PCRmax is a new company utilizing close to 20 years’ experience in development sales and support of market leading PCR systems. With products such as the Alpha Cyclers, PCRmax aims to push end point systems more towards what customers demand reliable quality systems with customer orientated features.

The PCRmax Eco 48 real time PCR system is a high specification, economically priced real time thermal cycler that accommodates a unique 48-well polypropylene PCR plate utilising the same geometry as standard 384-well plates, but only 1/8 of the size. This enables users to dramatically reduce the qPCR reagent volumes compared to traditional 96-well instruments, whilst still producing a strong fluorescence signal.

Key Features

  • MIQE compliant open licence software giving confidence when it comes to publishing your data.
  • HRM functionality as standard: with the ability to discriminate class IV SNP >99% of the time.
  • Eco 48 allows for simple multiplex analysis with up to four dyes at once.
  • World most thermally accurate block gives consistent data every time.
  • High uniformity provides high quality data. Fast cycling enables several experiments per day, all at an economical price.
  • Fastest block-based real-time PCR system. 40 cycles in 40 minutes standardly and 40 cycles in as little as 15 minutes after optimisation of temperatures and hold times.
  • Eco 48 is an open platform that can utilise any chemistry, dye or PCR reagent.
  • Easy to use software, making analysis simple and fast.
  • Industry-leading data quality.
  • Eco 48 format provides a small 34.5cm x 31cm (13.6” × 12.2”) footprint to save bench space

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The single block Alpha Cycler 1 (AC-1) is a compact and feature driven entry level PCR machine with ease of use and performance at its core.

Key Features

• Active Sample cooling: For sharper amplification and minimal non-specific amplification
• Programme Wizard: Generate a protocol specific to your sequence, template source and amplicon length in seconds
• Report generated on run conditions and state following completion of protocol
• Gradient: Allowing for simplified temperature optimisation, no matter the block chosen
• 96/384 well formats: Flexibility for any scale and user needs
• USB connectivity: To retrieve system information and easily transfer protocols between systems
• Android driven 7” tablet interface: Quad core speed and excellent connectivity and feel

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The Alpha Cycler 4 (AC-4) is the only true fully independently controllable multi-block thermal cycler available today.

Key Features

• Scalable: Chose from any combination of 96 or 384 well blocks
• Compact: Save precious labspace by condensing four truly independent blocks into one chassis with no networking issues or connectivity concerns
• Active Sample cooling: For sharper amplification and minimal non-specific amplification
• Programme Wizard: Generate a protocol specific to your sequence, template source and amplicon length in seconds
• Gradient: Allowing for simplified temperature optimisation, no matter the block chosen
• Report generated on run conditions and state following completion of protocol
• 96/384 well formats: Flexibility for any scale and user needs USB connectivity – To retrieve system information and easily transfer protocols between systems
• Android driven 10” tablet interface: Quad core speed and excellent connectivity and feel

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