Introducing the world’s first sequencing company solely dedicated to forensic science.

Verogen serves those who pursue the truth using genetic tools. It’s about advancing massively parallel sequencing to help unlock the true potential of forensic genomics. Supporting labs with innovative solutions and expert service purpose-built for the challenges of human identification. And, ultimately, to improve public safety and global justice for all.

Sequencing SystemLibrary KitReagent KitAnalysis Software and Server

Sequencing System

MiSeq FGx 

The most widely adopted sequencing chemistry in the industry

The highest quality data on the market

  • Produces the highest yield for error-free reads with the best performance in repetitive regions

Semi-automated and simple

  • Intuitive touch screen and plug-and-play reagents make run set up a snap

Flexible sequencing workflows

  • Choose from pre-installed Forensic or Research workflows to accommodate your needs

All-in-one sequencing 

  • Automated on-board cluster generation and sequencing eliminates unnecessary

Library Kit

ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit

Achieve high resolution and exceptional accuracy

Eliminate the need for multiple STR kits

  • Interrogate up to 230 STR and SNP markers (plus Amelogenin), with 200 amplicons between 63-180bp)

Superior analysis of challenging samples

  • Obtain discriminating profiles from low-level and/or degraded DNA

Turn cold cases into hot leads

  • Generate phenotypic and ancestry estimations for investigative leads

Increased resolution for mixture samples

  • Detect minor contributors at ~1% of major

Reagent Kit

MiSeq™  Reagent Kit

Generate high quality sequencing data for additional applications

  • MiSeq FGx Reagent Kit
  • MiSeq FGx Reagent Micro Kit
  • ForenSeq™  mtDNA Control Region Kit (48 reactions)

Analysis Software

ForenSeq Universal Analysis Software

Because better data needs smarter software

See exactly what’s in your sample at every locus, at every base

  • Intuitive visualization of STR and SNP data at both sample and locus levels

Ensure the data is the highest quality for reliable results

  • Sample controls and Quality indicators simplify data analysis

Additional reporting for deeper insight

  • Statistical estimates of ancestry, phenotype and profile frequencies can provide leads, even on cold cases